Doo Net Logo

Made for

professional events

Every event is unique and specific requirements vary, depending on the industry. Professional event planning requires professional support. doo's products and integration options are flexible and tailor-made. Let us know what you are planning and we'll design the solution together.

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doo's Philosophy

Now more than ever before, live communication and events contribute to corporate success. As a result, the number of events being held in almost all sectors has risen sharply. However, the number of participants has remained constant, which means that fierce competition for valuable participants has developed. Participants decide whether to take part in an event based on relevance. At doo, we have made it our mission to use digital information from the entire participant journey to create relevant, personalised and unforgettable event experiences. With the automation of invitations, registration, websites, participant management and reporting, we provide organisers with a modular platform that takes event management to the next level.

doo Management

Christoph is the founder and managing director of doo and is in charge of service and sales. He is almost constantly at events, where he introduces new trends to the industry.

Florian is the technical architect of doo's software platform. He leads a global team of software developers to keep up with the constant evolution of new technologies.

Christian designs and manages product development at doo. He is the connection between Christoph and Florian and combines analytics, service and software in one platform experience.

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